Speedcubing New Zealand

About Speedcubing New Zealand

Speedcubing New Zealand (SNZ) is a WCA-recognised Regional Organization with the purpose of promoting and supporting speedcubing in New Zealand.

Speedcubing New Zealand Incorporated was an Incorporated Society of New Zealand (NZBN:9429043305834).

Our role

Our role is to fund speedcubing competitions and promote speedcubing in New Zealand.

Our staff

SNZ has numerous staff who fill three categories:

  • SNZ Governance. SNZ is governed by a select group of individuals, who make decisions responsible for SNZ's future.
  • WCA Delegates. Our team of WCA Delegates are appointed individuals who are trusted with key organisational duties before, during and after competitions.
  • SNZ Promotional Team. The SNZ Promotional Team is responsible for managing SNZ's social media presence.

  • Filter by role

    Alex Asbery - WCA Regional Delegate | 2013ASBE01 | aasbery@worldcubeassociation.org
    Adrien Auvray Matyn - SNZ Promotional Team | 2018MATY02
    Ashley Foster - SNZ Promotional Team | 2018FOST03
    Caleb Hall - WCA Junior Delegate | 2019HALL04 | chall@worldcubeassociation.org
    Chris Mills - Governance | 2014MILL04
    Daniel Fraser - WCA Delegate | 2020FRAS02 | dfraser@worldcubeassociation.org
    Dwyane Ramos - SNZ Promotional Team | 2019RAMO05
    Elyas Eyou - SNZ Promtional Team | 2018EYOU02
    Finn Trass - WCA Trainee Delegate | 2016TRAS01
    Jack Maddigan - WCA Trainee Delegate, SNZ Governance | 2020MADD02
    James Dyer - WCA Trainee Delegate | 2019DYER01
    James Macdiarmid - SNZ Promotional Team | 2015MACD03
    Joshua Brungar - SNZ Governance | 2009BRUN03
    Liam Wadek - WCA Junior Delegate | 2017WADE01 | lwadek@worlcubeassociation.org
    Luke Heath-Edwards - WCA Delegate | 2018HEAT01 | lheath@worlcubeassociation.org
    Mike Field - SNZ Governance | 2017FIEL01
    Nick Vujcich - SNZ Governance
    Ram Thakkar - SNZ Promotional Team | 2016THAK01
    Richard Foster - SNZ Governance | 2018FOST04
    Terence Brown - SNZ Governance | 2021BROW05
    Wee-Yeong Eyou - SNZ Governance | 2020EYOU01